RENOVA is a synonym of technological innovations, success, value, safety and love of work, culture, tradition and faithfulness. We intend technological development and innovations in our products.
RENOVA is a main sponsor of business, economy and technical-technological developments in the Balkans.

Our motto is: “There is nothing impossible”

The main purpose of migration of Shefki Idrizi’s father in Switzerland was to provide better conditions for his children’s lives and his successors.
1992 is the year of return in many aspects and ways. Mr. Shefki Idrizi opens RENOVA, which in the beginning was a trading and service providing firm only, and which in a very short time arose into a heady one. With an engagement and willingness for achievement and economical – social development it has been achieved all what you can see in this webpage, even more, we intend to continue with our work with the same elasticity.
The success of RENOVA is a combination of force and will of the two brothers Shefki and Qenan Idrizi. They act together and are seen as one. Qenan, besides his intellectual investments in business, is very much preoccupied with sport, precisely football.
The Footbal Club “RENOVA” started from the municipal league and in four years reached the pedestal of football in Macedonia in the first league. It is a success and merit of Qenan’s excellent management.